Welcome to Otters' Class!
Class Teacher: Mrs Smart
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Braithwaite and Mrs Butler
Slides from the Parents Meeting 2024
These are sent home on a Friday and books are due in the following Thursday.
You may also find it helpful to access these resources at home together:
100 High Frequency Words Year 1 CEWs VIPERS Questions for ReadingYear 2 CEWs
Term 3 Topic: Australia
This term we'll be learning all about Australia. We will be learning about the climate and its location. Also we will be looking at Aboriginal art and having a go at recreating some ourselves!
You can read about how we'll explore this topic and some questions we would like to find the answers to in our...
Topic Web
Reading Books
Children in Otters are given the opportunity to change their reading books on Mondays.
Sharing (library) books will be changed on a Thursday and should be returned to school on that day.
In order to promote a love of reading and the culture of reading for pleasure, children in Otters will take home three reading books each week:
1. Two fully decodable books, matched to their current secure knowledge and understanding of grapheme-phoneme correspondences. Your child should be able to read these easily. These books should be read at least three times each in order for your child to improve their decoding, fluency, comprehension and prosody.
Please note - children who have moved beyond the colour-level books will be supported to choose this book themselves from the 'free-reading' section instead.
2. A 'sharing' book, chosen by your child. This book should be read, discussed and shared together so that you can explore a wide range of books and vocabulary with your child.
Children will be supported to write the title of their new book in their reading diary. They will move on to the next colour level of book when their secure knowledge and understanding of grapheme-phoneme correspondences matches the new level.
Please ensure your child's book bag comes to school every day. They are required to put it in the book bag box so that their books can be changed.
Parents are asked to write a comment and sign in their child's diary when they have read at home.
Reading points will be collected every Friday and children will earn certificates and rewards when they have read a certain number of times.
Each week the children will be given new spellings to practise at home. These will be related to their learning for the week ahead.
These will be sent home with children on a Friday and tested on the following Friday. Please ensure spelling books are brought in on that day.
You can also find spellings at the top of this page. These will be updated each week.
The children should continue to use DoodleMaths on a regular basis. Little and often (just ten minutes a day) is best! House points will be given to children every Friday who stay in the 'green zone' each week.
Other Homework
Otters class may also be set topic-related homework on occasion. This is intended to support their immersion and learning of topics as we move through the school year.
Multiplication Tables
Children in Year 2 are expected to learn 1x 2x 5x and 10x tables by heart. Children in Otters will already have learned to count in multiples of 1, 2, 5 and 10 and it is now time to apply this learning to recalling associated multiplication and division facts from memory.
The DoodleTables app can be downloaded and accessed using your child's DoodleMaths login. This Website also has a good range of games, activities and information.
PE & Forest School
PE - School uniform should be worn every day and PE kit left in school in a PE kit bag on your child’s coat peg. Children will then change in class for their PE lessons. PE this term is usually on a Tuesday.
Please ensure that your child's kit contains weather-appropriate clothing as we are moving into warmer months. Please also check that everything is clearly named.Useful Websites
Joe Wicks 100 Recommended Reads Y2
Pobble 365 National Geographic Kids Authors Bitesize
Online Safety
Some useful websites with advice about staying safe whilst you work online:
Thinkuknow Net-Aware LGfL Parent Info
Click on this logo to see the Anti-Bullying Alliance's Parent Pack, published to accompany this year's Anti-Bullying Week in November 2024.
If you need to contact me about anything then you can always speak to me in the playground at the end of the day or alternatively Class Dojo can be used, but this will only be checked during school hours and may not be checked daily. If your concern is urgent then please contact the school office.