Farmborough Church Primary School

Farmborough Church
Primary School

Working Together, Valuing Everyone, Learning for Life
Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School

Our Christian Values and Vision

Our School Christian Vision

‘Working Together, Valuing Everyone, Learning for Life’

Rooted in a God who promises and flourishing from the actions and teachings of Jesus, our vision guides us in all that we hope to be, enabling every part of our community to grow and develop; “I am with you… I will strengthen you and help you.” Isaiah 41:10


Our School Christian Values


© Imaginor

Underpinning our School Vision "Working Together, Valuing Everyone, Learning for Life" our Christian Values form the framework on which we build our school community: embedded in our actions, our planning and our policies.

We want these key Values to help us actively live out our Vision. They colour and shape our aims, our character, our ethos and subsequently the experience of learning and school that all our children have here.

Although we're always mindful of all 12 values, each term we focus on one in particular. Each term's value is especially evident in our Collective Worship, but will also be explored and celebrated further in PSHE, Art, Music, RE and wherever opportunities arise in other curriculum areas.