Farmborough Church Primary School

Farmborough Church
Primary School

Working Together, Valuing Everyone, Learning for Life
Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum...

provides learning experiences that are broad, rich and varied, which build, enhance and reinforce knowledge and creativity.

develops children who have a positive attitude to learning, to themselves and to everything and everyone around them.

enables children to apply their knowledge and to solve problems with confidence, resilience and independence.

includes everyone, giving opportunities to have a go, to persevere and to achieve, both individually and collaboratively.

prepares children both for the next stage of their education and for life, through rich, purposeful, curriculum-wide opportunities that embed their core skills and learning.


Our Curriculum Intent document

Our Curriculum Overview Documents:

Topic and Themes Overview

Art & Design


Design & Technology







PSHE (incl. RSHE)





Our Phonics Approach

In September 2022, we adopted the Unlocking Letters and Sounds scheme.

You can find out more about the scheme on the Phonics page and on the UL&S website here.


Gem Powers - Learning to Learn

Promoting positive learning attitudes and behaviours

In every class our children use their 'Gem Powers' to become better learners. These were devised by Dr. Tom Robson and each one promotes a positive attitude and behaviour; we currently focus on four:

Diamond - Finding ways to solve our problems

Emerald - Persevering to achieve a challenge

Ruby - Being supportive of others

Sapphire - Staying focused and avoiding distractions