Farmborough Church Primary School

Farmborough Church
Primary School

Working Together, Valuing Everyone, Learning for Life
Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School

Community Links

This is a school at the heart of the village community. We have strong links with All Saints, our local Church, and regularly visit for Christian festivals. The Rector, Revd. Guy Martin-Scott also regularly comes to school to lead collective worship. 

Our Breakfast and After School clubs provide a home from home, both for working parents, student parents, and children who just want to play with their friends! Activities include cookery, woodwork, nature walks and campfires. They also link in with the Farmborough Playgroup which is onsite.

Parents work in partnership with us, through the School Association which fundraises for new equipment and also in parent working parties; a recent project has been transforming the school garden to a beach area, complete with boat, beach and stream!

The strong staff team is supported by an equally committed team of governors, from all walks of life, who help to challenge and support the school in its continued progress to excellence.

We have good links with other local schools, and because of our excellent facilities, we often host inter-school sporting events. 

Our involvement with the community lunches in the village hall was recognised by Ofsted as ‘outstanding’.  Pupils prepare, cook and serve the food, as well as design the menus!


Our School Community Cross

This is a symbol of our school community. Everyone who is a part of the daily life of our school decorates a small cross, which builds up the large cross that is a focal point in our hall. Children, staff, governors, volunteers, students and the rector of All Saint's Church are all represented.