- Farmborough Behaviour Policy (0.30 MB)
- Farmborough Early Years Foundation Stage Policy (0.17 MB)
- Farmborough Looked After Children Policy (0.18 MB)
- Farmborough RSHE Policy (0.27 MB)
- Farmborough School Uniform Policy (0.13 MB)
- Farmborough SEND Policy (0.12 MB)
- Farmborough Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy (0.27 MB)
- TPT Farmborough Health and Safety Policy 24 25 (0.97 MB)
- TPT Farmborough Online Safety Policy 24 25 (0.35 MB)
- TPT Farmborough Parent Code of Conduct (0.10 MB)
- TPT Farmborough Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 24 25 (1.32 MB)
The Partnership Trust Policies
Certain policies that apply to the school are held by The Partnership Trust and these policies can be viewed on the The Partnership Trust Policies page. This includes:
Charging and Remissions
Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Documents relating to memorandum of association, accounts, Articles of association, funding agreements and audits can be found on this page