Farmborough Church Primary School

Farmborough Church
Primary School

Working Together, Valuing Everyone, Learning for Life
Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School

Welcome to Foxes' Class


Happy New Year!!!!

Class Teachers: Mrs Endean and Ms McGuinness     

Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Cahalan

Mrs Savage will be teaching on Monday and Tuesday whilst Mrs Endean is on maternity leave

Ms McGuinness on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday




For terms three and four we will be having a geography focus. 

We will be learning about our planet and how we can protect it.




Click here to see our Topic Web to see what we will be learning over the next two terms and the questions we would like to find the answers to.


Our class reader will be:


Finn has always been different, and in the tiny fishing village of Stromhead he sticks out like a sore thumb. Always told to keep away from the water, he's felt that something was missing until one day he dives in and finds that, swimming with the dolphins, he feels completely at home.

But his new friends are in danger of being injured by the rubbish that floats out into the water - and now a supermarket is going to release thousands of balloons that could drift out to sea and cause even more damage. Desperate to help the dolphins, Finn goes to the Lighthouse Crew, a group of kids who have always left Finn out. Will they be able to set aside their differences to save the dolphins? And what will Finn discover about his past along the way?

A moving adventure about the impact of plastic pollution on our seas, and the campaigning power of friendship from the award-winning Elizabeth Laird, illustrated by Peter Bailey.


 Here are some really useful links to learn more about our topic

Some useful information about this year:

P.E. will be on Tuesdays for Terms 3 and 4 and Swimming will be on Friday for 12 weeks. Please can your child come wearing their P.E. kit on Tuesday and bring all their swimming kit on Friday in a bag.  It is useful, as the weather is now cold for them to wear dark tracksuit/legging bottoms and a dark tracksuit/hoodie top. 

Homework will be given out each week, alternating between Tuesdays (Mrs Savage) or Wednesdays (Ms McGuinness) and handed in a week later. Homework will be either Topic, Maths or Literacy.  It could be paper based or using Purple Mash, which will be set as a 'To Do' on your child's Purple Mash account.

Click below for the homework timetables for each term as a reminder of when and who is giving out the homework each week:

Term 1; Term 2; Term 3; Term 4; Term 5 and Term 6.

Spelling words will be given out on Mondays and tested on Fridays. 

Times Tables will be practised throughout the week and tested on Fridays.

Doodle Maths: Your child now has a subscription to Doodle Maths and we recommend that they spend 10 minutes a day using Doodle Maths to develop their numeracy skills. 

Home School Books: Your child will be given a home-school book at the start of Term 1, Term 3 and Term 5.  They will be expected to bring these books into school everyday.  On Monday they will copy their spelling words to learn for that week into the first column. At home they need to copy these words out two more times in the 2nd and 3rd column. Please can your child record what they have read during the week and if an adult can sign it so that they can earn points which will go towards reading certificates and a chance to choose a new book when they have read 100 times at home. There is also a section for them to practise their multiplication tables.

Maths Frame is a fantastic free resource to help learn and practise your multiplication tables.


Hero of the Week

Your children have been asked to think about a hero: dead, alive, known personally, do not know personally, who they admire and respect. We would like them to talk to the class about this person for a couple of minutes - they can use a Powerpoint, photographs, objects to assist them with this.  Confidence in speaking out loud to an audience is something we like to develop in our children.

Here is the rota for the year.


Please can you ensure that all clothes and equipment are named or labelled.  


Additional activities: 

  • Books for Topics have amazing links to free readings of lots of really popular books. 
  • The Book Trust have some amazing activities available, including authors reading their books allowed and illustrators teaching you how to draw.
  • NRICH has lots of interesting Maths activities and challenges, as does I see Maths